For Teen, Young Adult, Adult,Elder
- Hair style for Teens to Elders,Children,Toddlers
- For all genders
- Compatible with hats
- Feel free to retexture. However, please do not share your files including my mesh data.
- Please make sure your game is updated to the latest version. CC may not work if the game has not been updated.
- Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.

For Child

For Toddler

Hi Kijiko,
I love this hairstyle but I only play sims 3 now.
Can you create it in sims 3 ?
Hello! I just want to start by saying that I love your work and I use it often in TS4!
However, I’ve noticed that someone has converted some of your work for another program (MMD) and uploaded it, breaking your rules.
I don’t know if you gave this person permission or not, but just in case you haven’t, here’s the links:
Hello Cake,
Thank you so much!
Um…I haven’t known them and have not had contact from that person.
Definitely,I wrote to let me know if someone wants to convert my hairs to other games in TOU,(actually I was wondering what I should do)…but…um,that’s OK,I’ll shut my eyes for the following reasons:
・I’m glad that people use my hairstyles for MMD,but I don’t have converting tools for MMD.
・He (she)’s written my name as original creator.
・This contents are not for earning money (sometimes,there’s a person who is selling stolen contents…;ω;),but they are just for free contents for MMD community.
Thank you for letting me know!
Thank you very much Kijiko.
where did you get the flower crown?
It’s here :
thank you so much kijiko san!
hello kjiiko 🙂 first, I’m korean so I can’t speak english well 🙁 !
I want to change this hair…
but I’m not reupload or send other people , change this hair use only me!
only use my sims umm… my english is very bad sorry 🙁 Are you ok I change this hair? good day!
Hello sojung!
If you’re going to modify this hair only for personal use (you are not going to share your modification of this),that’s no problem!
Thank you for contacting me 🙂
Thank you so much<3
Yay!!! Toddler hair by you! I love it, thank you! <3
I’m glad you like it (≧▽≦)
All of your TS4 creations are so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing these!
By the way, did you plan to make this hairstyle in a longer version? I just think this must be so cute as a long hairstyle too! (Similar to Japanese hairstyle that called “Hime Cut” or something like that)
I keep getting an error of 503 saying its unavailable ;-;
Most of time,503 error occurs because the server is too busy,for example,there are too many people accessing the web site at the same time.
The server I’m renting is shared server,so that error occurs if other persons’ web site has too many access.
because of that,I’m so sorry but it’s hard to solve that.
Seems it might be better if you connect again a little while later.
Hi there, where can I find the flower headband?
Where to download that flower headband ? it looks perfect with that hair