For Teen, Young Adult, Adult,Elder
***** Jun/27/2016 Update *****
Made compatible with Masculine Female and Feminine Male.
By this update,this hair has become compatible with both genders and both frames.
For female version is no longer needed.
If you’ve got the following files,please DELETE those.
Delete these files:
- Hair style for Teens to Elders, for all genders
- Compatible with hats
- Feel free to retexture. However, please do not share your files including my mesh data.
- Please make sure your game is updated to the latest version. CC may not work if the game has not been updated.
- Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.

Flipped Edition

- This is flipped edition of Shaggy Short hairstyle.
- for Teens to Elders, for all genders
- Compatible with hats
- Feel free to retexture. However, please do not share your files including my mesh data.
- Please make sure your game is updated to the latest version. CC may not work if the game has not been updated.
- Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.
I love your hair mods, thank you, you are the best.
Okay, so I seem to having the same issue as others.. My game is fully up to date and I have followed the install instructions, but my game still won’t recognize them. I’ve tried any different times and different hair styles, even double checked more than once to make sure they are for the right game.. All other hair mods and such show up fine, but for some reason none from this site will show up. They don’t appear at all in my game, like when creating a sim and such. I’ve been searching this site and the internet for answers, but I can’t seem to find any at all.. There was no issues unzipping them, everything showed up just fine. So now I’m at a loss what to do, because it’s pretty depressing I can’t use any of these hairstyles because they aren’t showing up..
Your game version is (if you use Mac,it’s,right?
Do you use subfolder to organize mods?
If so,please let me know your folder hierarchy that include my mod. Also please let me know the content of the Resource.cfg in your mods folder.
I use Windows 8 and it’s all updated.
And yes, normally in my mod folder I organize all my items into folders so I can find them better. How would I figure out the contents of Resource.cfg in my mod folder? And the folder containing your mods is labeled as ‘Kijiko Hairstyles’ if that’s what your asking.
The Resource.cfg says the following.
Priority 500
PackedFile *.package
PackedFile */*.package
Please tell me the number of your game version just in case.
Also,please tell me folder path,for example
C:\Users\[user name]\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\hair mods\Kijiko hair
(not need to write user name,though)
That is to say,I’m guessing that subfolders are not recognized.
Your Resource.cfg doesn’t allow the folder hierarchy is three levels and more.
If you could,try the following :
Put my mods into mods folder directly without subfolders.
Edit the Resource.cfg like this:
Priority 500
PackedFile *.package
PackedFile *\*.package
PackedFile *\*\*.package
PackedFile *\*\*\*.package
PackedFile *\*\*\*\*.package
It means you can use the folder hierarchy is
five levels and moreup to five levels.(sorry,I made a mistake)Resource.cfg can be edited by text editors like the Notepat++.
Please be careful not changing filename extension.
Also,please make a back up your mods folder just in case.
Just wanted to say I love your mods. Thank you for uploading them
Thank you very much.
I love all of your creation cause I playing TS3 and TS4.
This hair pack s meshes and textures are made by Kijiko Goldiocks got permission from Kijiko to convert these artworks Uploader ?
Hi Kijiko will you make Alpha (TS3 style?) version of this? I really like the alpha versions of your hairs and am hoping you will release alphas for all your hairs.
Does it come in light blue?
Can you make this for child?