About Kijiko

I am Kijiko, a lover of cats and The Sims. I’m making custom content for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4.
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I am very grateful for wonderful tools&Mods!


  1. Luminitsa says:

    Hello, Kijiko!
    I have a question: do the Adjust Glasses sliders work for any glasses mod or only for your glasses?

  2. Levi says:

    Hello! Is there any chance that you will upload your models for your content? I’d love to look more into them.

  3. Mika says:

    Great Work!
    I have a question…
    Could you do an Rin Outfit with his school jacket?o: Can’t find a good one x_x

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Thank you,Mika!!

      About Rin’s outfit,I’m so sorry,but I don’t have a plan to make custom clothing for TS3 for now…

  4. さくら says:





    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:


  5. Sav says:

    I have a question regarding the eyelash mod, I just installed it and I’m having an issue and I don’t know what it is. Here’s a picture:
    The issue is the area towards the far corner of the eyes, I couldn’t find a way to fix it.

  6. Sav says:

    Oh! Never mind ^^ I figured it out. Seems I had a ring mod on and didn’t know! I tried removing everything but couldn’t find it, sorry for posting!

  7. Shadow says:

    Hey :3 um ok i was the one who asked for sims 3 sim models before xD , and i was wondering can we get some for sims 4 now ;)?

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Hi Shadow,
      I’m so sorry for late reply…!
      Sorry, but I have not shared them anywhere yet. I think I want to upload them to the Gallery someday,though…

  8. あす丸 says:



    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:


  9. serena says:

    Hello dear kijiko unfortunately with the latest updates of the game the sims 4 to change men’s and women’s clothing I think it was also updated the original skin in the game, always use your wonderful skin and I liked so much the final details so more evident! but now you don’t see more details of the skin at the top of the female body!!! could you do something?:( I love it! Thank you very much!

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Hello serena! I’m glad you like my skin,thank you so much!

      Yeah,you’re right. 6/2 patch changed something on female breasts. Probably it’s because sims became able to be used opposite body frame independent of their gender.
      I’m looking up that cause of skins issue now,but it may take more time.

      • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

        >changed something on female breasts
        Also male chest too,you know?
        BTW,there has been a little bit progress about this matter,wait just a little longer 😉

      • serena says:

        Hello dear kijiko! thanks for getting back to me! There is no problem! take all the time you need! I love your skins too! ^ __ ^ thank you so much!

  10. Aoi says:

    Hello kijiko,
    I am having a problem with the eyelash mod I cant seem to get it to show up ( ; – ; ) I moved the packs as any normal mod and I cant find it anywhere. Please help me, when you get the chance
    and also
    Thank you for your wonderful mods ~( ^o^ )/

  11. Felli Loss says:

    Can I make a request?

  12. Orchidkit says:

    Hi Kijiko

    Your works are amazing
    but sometimes I got a problem when I use Eyelash skin details
    like this >> http://i.imgur.com/MvrUwQb.png
    I switch Forehead Ver. and Mouth Ver. and it got the same problem
    sometimes it’s fine sometimes it’s not I don’t know why
    (I remove all accessory and makeup but it’s still broke like that)

    can you help me?

    thank a lot and sorry for my bad English

    ps. glasses Ver. is fine but I want to wear glasses too lol

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Hi Orchid Kit, Thank you so much!
      Seems something conflicts with the Lashes’ texture area.
      Could you remove all your CC from Mod folder once?
      You didn’t use any accessories on that sim,right? In that case,any of CC you’re using might be mapped on rings texture area.

  13. Meow says:

    Hello Kijiko!
    Your work is so awesome and one of my favorites!
    I wanted to know if we’re going to have the female hairstyle “Panda LanLan” for TS4 too? It’s so cute <3

    Thank you so much and keep doing lovely mods. ♥

  14. Ako says:

    Hi Kijiko,
    Can you upload your models in TS4? If no, then it is ok.