About Kijiko

I am Kijiko, a lover of cats and The Sims. I’m making custom content for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4.
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I am very grateful for wonderful tools&Mods!


  1. Marina says:

    Hi Kijiko!! Thank you for updating your lashes but I was wondering if you’ll be updating the version 2 expansion lashes, you know the super long ones? Those are my favorites 🙂 anyways, thank you!

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      This update is only mesh fix. (just only meshes were broken by the latest patch) so you don’t need to update the expansion lashes file ([Kijiko]eyelash_YF_version2_expansion-lashes00.package)
      Please overwrite the file named “[Kijiko]eyelash_YF_version2.package”

  2. Ivette says:

    Hi Kijiko! Although I updated the version 2 of your lashes, they still look weird? The expansion eyelashes are acting up as well, the long long ones. On another note, I really love and appreciate your work thank you ♥

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Hi,thank you so much 🙂
      This update has affected many CC and mods.
      If you use other CC or mods (especially something to change sims facial expressions),please try to remove them.

  3. Roy says:

    I was wondering if I could purchase the rights to use a particular hair of yours (or maybe a few) for the site IMVU. It is considered commercial since you use credits to buy them for use for your character. (which is why I would rather pay you for their use.) I would also credit you on the item pages as well as link your blog. I very particularly want the “Gloomy Bangs Hair” (http://sims4updates.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/10214-670×450.jpg) for use on the site.

    You can email me to discuss details, I am very flexible. I just really am in love with your hairs.

    • Roy says:

      my email address is silverrose@live.ca

      • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

        Hello Roy,
        Thank you for contacting me,and I’m glad you like my hairs 🙂
        About your proposal,could you tell me your purpose of using my hairstyle?

        Please pardon me if your purpose isn’t like I say below,though…
        I’m afraid but I don’t accept to use my 3D data of the sims contents for any pay items.
        The reason why,actually,there was the fact before that some of sims custom contents creators were stolen their contents and sold converted their 3D data without permission on a certain avatar-based SNS. It happened to me too.
        You kindly contacted me,but sadly,not all people are like you,seems sometimes there’s a person who uses someone’s contents without permission for making money.
        For protesting to that,I don’t accept to use my sims contents for any commercial use.
        I’d appreciate if you can take this into your consideration.

        • Roy says:

          I would like permission to publish them and it would make me a small percentage of earnings (about half a cent per purchase but I could set my own profit to zero and still credit you). Which is why I would like to pay for the rights. If not I would like to use the one style as a personal hair on there. ( modifying the gloomy bangs ever so slightly looks a lot like my character).

          The site is IMVU. I do notice a lot of people claiming other’s work. I have had my own painted textures (mostly eyes) stolen from IMVu and used on Sims, so I kind of understand how it feels when someone takes your work.

          Thank you for your response.

        • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

          Thank you for understanding about the things happened to me and the Sims mods community.

          I’m so sorry,but I can’t accept to convert my contents for any commercial use.
          If it’s for completely non-commercial use,I’ll give permission to converted into other games and publish.(like distributing on Skyrim Nexus or something)
          Also,it’s no problem if you use my contents for only personal use.

          Plus,I looked IMVU,and I’m guessing my hair (and mostly TS4 custom contents hairs) has too much vertexes for useing to IMVU.
          It’s the best that you make the optimized hair for IMVU from scratch,I think.
          When you do that,if you make your hair look like my “Gloomy bangs”,it’s not a problem at all. I’d be so happy if you could say that is inspired by mine.

          Thank you 🙂

  4. Amapora says:

    Hello! I was wondering if you had a Patreon or something. I’d love to support you, you’re my favorite content creator!!

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Thank you so much!!
      I don’t have a Patreon or any kind of like that,but if I can’t run my site without support,I’ll think about it.
      Thank you!

  5. nantia3345 says:

    Hello Kijiko! I saw a message you post at twitter 28 october: 3のコンバートヘア、非透過粘土ヘア版も同時制作中です。まだまだ、ざっくり毛を並べた状態ですが、頭の半分が昨日買ってきたアサクリを遊ぶ!と言い張ってるので困る…

    Are you planning to make this hairstyle available for sims 4? It looks so awesome..
    Sorry for asking but I don’t understand english or japanese…

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Yes! I’m planning on converting and remaking that hair to TS4.
      …It will take some time,though.

  6. shewildwolf says:

    May I please convert a few of your TS3 hairstyles for my own personal use in the game Dragon Age? They will not be uploaded anywhere and will only be for personal use. Any screenshots posted with your hairstyles I would provide a link to your site, if asked. Thank you.

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Yes,no problem if you convert my hairs for totally personal use 🙂
      Thank you for contacting me!

  7. Kahtarri says:

    Hi Kijiko I’ve updated all the lashes however they still aren’t working in my game any help with other mods that may be causing this or maybe I’ve installed wrong I’m not really sure I’ve even tried downloading on a different browser but still no luck please help thanks in advance

  8. Stephanie says:

    The smaller eyelashes are working, it’s just that the expansion ones still have a glitch on them. I tried taking out all of my cc to see if something was causing a problem but I still had a glitch on them. Iv’e tested out a lot of different theories and it seems that if your sims have bigger eyes then the expansions work better but still doesn’t work to fit the eyes that you want. I also tried turning my sim detail to very high and it doesn’t help, just slows my game down. Iv’e seen youtubers that use these eyelashes work perfectly fine, and I have no idea what is going on so if anyone could help then that would be amazing, thanks!

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      I’ve posted the “Installation Guide for The 3D Lashes “.
      Please check that out.

      I’ve updated my lashes after releasing pet patch.
      If the game version and the lashes version don’t match,the lashes won’t work correctly. The lashes won’t fit to eyes shape if the lashes version is older than the latest game version.
      I hope it will help you.

  9. Diamond says:

    I love all your hairs. I’m using them to make Yuri on Ice Sims. However, I’m having a difficult time finding a good style for Christophe. Would you consider making his hairstyle? I would greatly appreciate it. You are incredibly talented!!! <3

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Thank you sooo much!!
      Actually,I don’t know much about Yuri on Ice,but his hairstyle is so nice!
      I can’t promise but I’ll think about it. 🙂

  10. Retrogirl says:

    Hello Kijiko ^o^
    Me and my friend found alot of your Sims mods and we love them so much ♥
    ( Especially the hair you did ^w^ )
    So we were wondering if you are doing commissions for Sims 4 by any chance.
    There is a certain hair style we need and we couldn’t find it anywhere on the web so we just thought we might as well ask if you could make us that hair and maybe matching ears with them (If you are okay with it).
    I would of course provide you with Images on what exactly we need ^u^.
    I fully understand if you don’t take commissions, but it doesn’t hurt to ask

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      I’m really glad you like my hairs 🙂 Thank you so much!
      About commissions,I’m so sorry but I don’t take any commissions or orders for making CC,for now.
      I can’t promise to finish my work because I’m not sure whether I have enough time to do that.
      Thank you for your understanding in advance.

  11. Windsor says:

    hi so my lashes end up looking clunky and not like lashes in the game but normal in cas. I wish i could show a picture but it’s like the lashes and then thick black lines on top.

  12. Moa says:

    Hi, i have a problem with my kijiko lashes. When i put them on my sim they look all broken and slant. How do i fix this?

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      I’ve posted the “Installation Guide for The 3D Lashes “.
      Please check that out.
      I’ve updated my lashes after releasing pet patch.
      If the game version and the lashes version don’t match,the lashes won’t work correctly. The lashes won’t fit to eyes shape if the lashes version is older than the latest game version.
      I hope it will help you.

      • Alon says:

        I installed the eyelashes as said in the guide and my lashes still looks broken and weird (I dont know id you know what I mean but I cant put a photo) what can I do? PLZ ANSWER!!!!! ver.

  13. Jes2G says:

    Hello! First of all, thank you for creating the 3D lashes! They are everything. And thanks for fixing them so quickly after the Cats & Dogs nightmare. That must have been hectic for you. Anyway, I use both the skin detail and glasses version of the 3D lashes. I noticed that in your November update, the short version of the lashes are missing in two places. Is that on purpose? Before I saw them in both places in skin detail (not quite sure what areas they are) and in the glasses version. Now, they are only available in the forehead crease section and not at all in glasses.

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Thank you for letting me know!
      I looked into my lashes.
      The missing parts are very thin lashes of mouth crease version,right?
      It seems that I totally forgot to add them to the mouth crease version. I’ll add them and update my lashes.
      I didn’t make those very thin lashes for glasses,so it’s correct that thin lashes don’t show up in glasses.
      Thank you so much!

  14. Lori says:

    Hello, i was hoping to contact you. i used one of your non default skintones as a base and edited it to make a exo-skeleton skintone. i was hoping to get your permission to upload it to the sims resource.
    if you could contact me by email i can show you what i made.

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Thank you for contacting me.
      Yes! I’d like to see your skintone. Very interesting!
      I sent email to you. Please check that 🙂