About Kijiko

I am Kijiko, a lover of cats and The Sims. I’m making custom content for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4.
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I am very grateful for wonderful tools&Mods!


  1. Faith says:

    Hi, I really love using your eyelashes on my sims, but i was wondering if there was a way to have the skin detail eyelashes work with rings and glasses? There are some cc that i have in the rings section that aren’t rings that don’t conflict with the lashes for some reason and i was wondering if there was a way you’d be able to change the eyelashes so they don’t conflict with rings as well? Im sorry if this was confusing, but thank you in advance!

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Hi,thank you so much! I’m glad you like my eyelashes 🙂
      The reason that the lashes conflict with ring is UV map.
      The Sim 4’s texture area for sims is very limited,so I had no choice but to map the lashes on other accessories’ UV.
      This means you can avoid a CC conflict if you edit the UV map.

  2. Mina says:

    Hi! I’ve been seeing reports that your eyelashes were broken during the patch this November 2019. Is this a known issue? I was about to download the lashes before I saw said posts. I am not trying to pressure you or anything but I’m looking forward to having them in my game. Thank you and I love your works 😀

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Hi,thank you for letting me know.
      I checked my lashes with the latest patch,but they were working the same as always.
      Specifically,what kind of problem is happening?

      • Morgan says:

        I had to download the Legacy version of the Sims 4 and every time I played the Sims, it would mess up my game. I went through my mods folder and took out what I thought were broken mods/cc and it wouldn’t be fixed. So when I took out the lashes, my game worked fine. I was wondering if it’s because of the graphics or? Please fix. I hate seeing my bald faced sims walking around. :((

      • Mina says:

        i dont know sorry 🙁 i’m new to sims 4 and when I saw people saying that the lashes were broken, I didnt know if I could add it to the game. If it is working for you then I guess it’s safe for me to download! Thank you and again I am in love with your lashes 😀

  3. Miss Meg says:

    Good afternoon! I want to say that I absolutely love your Night Fog TS4 Edition hairstyle, and would like to ask permission to use the hairstyle in another game? Full credit would be given, it would be a private mod for myself.

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      thank you so much!
      If you use your modification of my mod for your personal use (you don’t have a plan to publish it),that’s no problem 🙂

  4. Beckie says:

    Hello Kijiko 🙂

    when will you update your 3D lashes for the latest Discover University pack? The CC seems to be outdated… Thanks for the answer and have a lovely day! <3

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      If I need to update the lashes,I’ll do that,but I think an update is not needed.
      I checked my lashes with the latest patch. They were working the same as always.

  5. CHKY says:


    Would you consider making a full-body highlight similar to the glow texture on your skin tones, but it can be mixed with other skin overlays?

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      sorry but I don’t have a plan to another version of skin tone for now.
      If skin tones can be mixed with skin overlays is dependent on the way
      skin overlays are made.

  6. Pamtastic72 says:

    Will you be updating your eyelashes for the Sims4 Nov. 12 2019 patch. Game version 1.58.63?

  7. ariel says:

    Hello, I’ve been having an issue where the lashes skin detail category suddenly don’t show up in game on some of my sims but they work fine in CAS. i’m not sure as to why this is happening. there are no mod conflicts as i’ve tested it completely.

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Sorry but I’m also not sure the cause of that because I can’t replicate your problem.
      I’m sorry I couldn’t be of any help but I’ll keep an eye on if that problem happen now on.

  8. Aurora Baer says:

    I’m having a bad glitch with your lashes since the latest update
    in live mode, the portraits of any sims who have them applied won’t load. and because of this, when I save my game, it isn’t able to save properly so it saves forever until I end it with task manager. so I’m completely unable to save my game. this doesn’t happen with the skin detail version, only the accessory version
    thank you for your hard work <3

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Hi,thank you for letting me know.
      I’m sorry I can’t be of any help, but I’m not sure the cause of your problem because I can’t reproduce that glitch.
      It may be a problem depends on PC or application environment,so I’m sorry to trouble you,but can you please remove the lashes file that makes the glitch from your mods folder?

  9. Tricia says:

    The skin detail lashes V2 need an update. They are broken & strange looking with the new patch. 🙂

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      I checked my lashes with the latest patch. They were working the same as always.
      Is it possible to show me screenshots of your problem using Imgur,free cloud storage or something?

  10. Amanda Wynne says:

    Im having issues with the lashes (glasses version) as well. In cas they look fine but as soon as I go into live mode they start looking like extreme twiggy lashes or something. I’ve had a play with my cc and mods (including full removal) and making my sim completely naked with nothing but the lashes on, but they still remain the same.

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Sorry for the late reply.
      I’m not sure “extreme twiggy lashes”,but have you turned off lap top mode? The lashes won’t work correctly with lap top mode.

  11. Luxanna says:

    Hey Kijiko, I have a glitch with your latest lashes version : https://gyazo.com/c78be4713f24d58062e01a2fafe911c6

    It looks really weird and it didn’t happend before the newest patches in Sims 🙁 I hope you can help me because I really love your work ♥

    PS: I’m using both, skin detail and glasses version of the lashes.

    • Molly says:

      I’m having the same problem.

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Sorry for the late reply.
      I checked my lashes with the latest patch,and they are working as the same as before.
      I’m sorry but I’m not sure the cause of your issue because I wasn’t able to replicate that glitch.
      FYI,the game version is and I’m using the lashes updated in July 5th 2019.

  12. Joseph says:

    Hola Kijiko, uso tus pestañas todo el tiempo, el único problema que tengo es que cuando uso anillos y uso las pestañas con detalles de piel, las texturas de los anillos se superponen a las pestañas.

    PD: Your eyelashes have become an icon of the simmer community, you are the best

  13. Omena says:

    I absolutely love your hairs! Any chance you would convert Azurite hair into sims 4? I absolutely love it.

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Thank you so much and sorry for the late reply.
      For now,I’m not planning on converting that hair,but I’ll think about it.
      Thanks! 🙂

  14. Lia Dori says:

    Kijiko, when will you upload your sims used to model your Sims 4 CC? 🙁