About Kijiko

I am Kijiko, a lover of cats and The Sims. I’m making custom content for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4.
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I am very grateful for wonderful tools&Mods!


  1. Inbar Arussy says:

    Hey Kijiko! I’m inbie from Lootlabs! We are a gaming exclusive monetization company, I’m reaching out regarding potential business collaboration inquiries for your website/blog/tumblr page. As a simmer myself (18 years of playing haha) I loveee your mods! There’s a lot of potential here Email me if you’re interested, looking forward to your response!

  2. Kim says:

    Hi Kijiko! I was wondering if it would be possible to make addons to your eyelashes to add them to other overlay categories. It’s possible to make them require your original meshes to work but I wanted to be sure this is something you’re comfortable with. If this isn’t something you’d be comfortable with then I’m happy to just have them for personal use only.

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Hello! Thank you for contacting me.
      Regarding making addons to my eyelash mod,
      I have no problem with you modifying my mod in any way you like, as long as it is for personal use.
      If you publish your modifications, please do not include the original mesh. As you mentioned, I would appreciate it if you could edit your mod in such a way that it cannot be used without my mod and the original mesh.
      Thank you for your understanding.

  3. Agony Mods says:

    Hello love,

    I am creating a hairstyle mod similar to KS Hairdos for Skyrim, except for the game Conan Exiles and am seeking permission for the use of your assets in a personal mod. There would be no monetary gain for this, nor do I intend to use them in any commercial project. I am also happy to fufill any obligation for their use and include any respective disclaimers in the potential mod’s description that may be required.

    Please contact me for further questions: agony.exiles@gmail.com

    Thanks my dear!