For Teen, Young Adult, Adult,Elder
- Hair style for Teens to Elders,Children,Toddlers
- For all genders
- Compatible with hats
- Feel free to retexture. However, please do not share your files including my mesh data.
- Please make sure your game is updated to the latest version. CC may not work if the game has not been updated.
- Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.

For Child

For Toddler

This is cute! I can’t wait to use it on my sims!
Will this be for child sims as well?
thanks a lot !!!
your hair styles are awesome and are my sims fave
also your glow edition skin tones are the best
really thanks a lot
Hi Kijiko
beautiful hair, thanx! but it’s giving problems in cas..the thumbnail is showing a head with question marks all over..hope you can fix it, I have the latest origin update. thanx!
Thank you guys! I’m glad you like it!
Yes,I’m planning on converting this hair (and some of my hairstyles) to children.
Did you put this file in your mod folder?
This file includes mesh file and is required.
Sims4デモ版のCreate A Sims Demoでは使えないのでしょうか?
>Sims4デモ版のCreate A Sims Demoでは使えないのでしょうか?
please can you make this hairstyle.
Thank you
This beautiful * o * but my problem is that I put in the mod folder, but not seen in the game :C as I do ?
Thank you,Andrea!
I posted information in this page,
I hope this may help you.
Gracias!! :3 thank you very much for answering
Hey, Kijiko, can you actually post your sim anywhere?
I mean, the sim that you use for previews.
Hi Alice!
Actually,I’m thinking about uploading my sims to the Gallery.
but sorry,I can’t say for sure when I do that.
Wow! This hair is beautiful and I really love it 😀
But can I know where did you get the flower crown on her head?
Thank you sooo much!
I made this flower crown for screenshots,I’m planning on sharing it later.
Yaayyy! Can’t wait for the flower crown! It looks so cute in that picture 🙂
Hi Jenny,
I’m sharing it at my gallery on Tumblr.
Hello, i really adooore this hair and I want to ask you from where you’ve got this flower head thingy 😀 [sorry for my english D:]
Thank you,Jessi!
I’m sharing this flower crown at my gallery on Tumblr.
You can download from here.
Thank you sooo much for your beautyful hairstyle, but I have a problem hair can’t show when I create simsT___T
Thank you,Hitsuji!
I posted the article like this,
Could you check it please?
Hi! I was wondering if you would be able to share the face shape? I would really appreciate it! (:
Hi ER!
Yeeeaaah,I wish I could…but actually I think I want to share my sims at the Gallery someday.
Love it. Thank You so much! ^^
Thanks! I’m glad you like it ≧▽≦
Its no working for me :(.
Can you help me?
I’ve posted the article about common problem with CC Installation.
Could you check it at this page?
I can’t understand why it doens’t works. The kids hairstyles works perfectly but the othes don’t.