Default Replacement and Non-Default Eye Colors
*****Mar/17/2023 Update*****
Supported for use with infants.
*****Nov/08/2022 Update*****
Non-default eye colors and default replacements included in one .zip file.
Fixed a bug where some non-default eye colors could not be used on toddlers.
*****Feb/27/2021 Update*****
Fixed to make compatible with Feb 25th 2021 patch.
If you’ve got my default replacement eyes,please overwrite the old file.
- Default Replacement and Non-Default Eye Colors
- for All Ages and All Genders
- Please make sure your game is updated to the latest version.
- Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.

Eye Colors for Vampires
Mar/17/2023 Note
I’m currently working on the default replacement vampire eye colors for infants. Please wait a while.
*****Mar/17/2023 Update*****
Made compatible with vampire infants eyes replacement.
***Required The Sims 4 Vampires Game Pack***
- Included the following files
- Default Replacement Eye Colors for All Ages and All Genders
- Non-Default Eyecolors for Teen,YA,Adult,Elder and All Genders For Vampires (Required The Sims4 Vampires Game Pack)
- Please make sure your game is updated to the latest version.
- Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.

In-Game Screenshots of Vampires’ Glowing eyes

Left : Normal eyes , Right : Glowing eyes
デフォルト置き換えは全年齢・全性別用です。非デフォルトは諸事情あって、ティーンから老年用です。幼児・子供には対応しておりません。ご了承下さい。 2022/11/08追記 アプデで子供と幼児にもCCの非デフォルトアイカラーが使えるようになりました。それに伴い、幼児に使用できるようにフラグにチェックがついていなかったアイカラーを修正しました。
「The Sims 4 Vampires」ゲームパックが必要です。


Beautiful please please make them for sims 3 especially the snake ones.
My vampire super sim legacy is eternally grateful. When a vampire says eternally that’s for real!
Thanks so much for these amazing eyes!
since the newest update none of these seem to work for me 🙁 i have mods turned on but still nothing
Seems this is the issue with the latest patch. Not only custom eye colors but also custom hair colors are not working.
EA’s tech rep said they will look into that,but unfortunately they didn’t refer to the custom eye colors. So depends on how EA deals with it,all custom eye colors (not only mine) might got to unusable.