- Hairstyle for The Sims 3
- For Male / Teens to Elders
- sims3pack and package files included
- Feel free to retexture. However, please do not share your files including my mesh data.
- Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.

Credits & Thanks
- Skintone : Navetsea
- Eyelash : S-Club
Hello! I got sooo excited when I saw this, and knew it would be perfect for Shad Robinson (The Sim). Anyways, shortly after download, my game began having epic lag spikes. I’ve never lag-spiked before, and did some research, and came to the conclusion that the hair was the issue. I don’t know how, but I that this was just a bad piece of custom content. Upon deletion, I scrolled through the comments on this page and saw that no-one had complained. I then decided to contact you, and see if this delicious hairdo is malicious. Please reply.
Hello,James! Thank you for your report.
Muu…I’ve played TS3 with this hair long time,but It didn’t cause any issues.
I also checked my data,but I didn’t find problems.
Does your game work well when you remove this file? If so,this file might have any problems,or broken in any way…(It seems files can get broken in a variety of ways,disk error,copying issues or something…)
FYI,You can identify problem content with this tool.(http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=387006)
If that file broken,you can see it as corrupt file.
I also used this tool.I found nothing,though…
And here is finding problem CC method.
This way might be able to identify a problem.
I would be so glad if you let me know when you could identify any problems I can’t find.
And,just for information,this is “Improving Sims 3 Performance”.
And then,most custom hair has a lot of polygons.That might be the reason of lag…by too much CPU utilization??? I’m not sure your PC spec,though.
Anyway,I’m so sorry that I couldn’t help you.
If I figure out something,I’ll comment in this page.
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