- Hairstyle for The Sims 3
- For Female / Teens to Elders
- sims3pack and package files included
- Feel free to retexture. However, please do not share your files including my mesh data.
- Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.

Credits & Thanks
- Skintone : Navetsea
- Eyelash : S-Club
Wow. You are incredibly talented. Cheers!
Thank you sooo much!!(≧∇≦)
Thank you for also making this for female sim. This is my new favourite long hair.
Thanks Globus!! Glad you like it(*´∀`*)
Asian creators are the best, really :3 Wish you will make all my favorite hairstyles from anime and manga 😀 И спасибо за восхитительные работы 🙂
yep! We love Manga and Anime O(≧∇≦)O haha
I really love your creations they are so realistic….wish i discovered u before..keep doing what your doing! 私は私がuはやることを行うことがしたい:)あなたは良い一日を持っていることを望みますが、私はこの作成を行うことができ、私は一日taught..maybeする必要が…
I totally love that hairstyle! I would almost do everything, to have this one in sims 4 too.. !!
Actually i love every hairstyle of yours, hopefully someday with many time, we have them in 4 too. :3 Because i dont have 3 anymore.
hopefully you wont stop doing such incredibly awesome things~
Thanks Jessica! Thanks Kinas! ≧ω≦
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