- Hairstyle for The Sims 3
- For Male / Teens to Elders
- sims3pack and package files included
- Feel free to retexture. However, please do not share your files including my mesh data.
- Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.

Credits & Thanks
- Skintone : Navetsea
- Eyelash : S-Club
Just curious, will we be seeing your work in sims 4? I really hope so!
Thanks Angelette!!
I’ll try! … Maybe
Just wanted to say thank you for these awesome hairstyles! 😀 I’ve been able to find exactly what I’ve been looking for 😀
Wow!I am happy that I can help you 😀
He’s hot and that hair is gorgeous!
Thanks youuuu♥♥♥
Hi log this hair very much. But I have mac, is it also available as package file?
Thank you
Thank you,Nika!
Sorry I don’t share it as package file,but sims3pack can be installed in Mac.
Also if you want a package file,I think you can convert to it by using this tool.
Delphy’s Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter
Thank you so much Kijiko, I used the delphi extractor as you recommended, and now I can have your beautiful hair show up in my game on mac. 🙂
Hello dear Kijiko! I wanted ask you, do you make ready-made male characters? They are awesome and super beautiful, and i really would be happy if you could make this(from picture) personage for sims4, i’m literally in love haha ^^; Thank you so much for your work!♥
Thank you so much!!
Actually,I think I want to remake this hair and him into TS4.( I can’t make it exactly the same,though(;´∀`) )
Thank you so much for the answer! Ooow please try it! You are amazing artist ♥ Can’t wait to see! \(^O^)/
Hello kijiko!! I really really love your cc!♥♥♥
I was wondering… could you convert this hair to ts4? or, as you said in the comment above, remake it?? I really love it and it would fit perfectly for a character! thanks in advice
have a nice day! (/^▽^)/
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