Standard Version
- Hairstyle for The Sims 3
- For Male / Teens to Elders
- sims3pack and package files included
- Feel free to retexture. However, please do not share your files including my mesh data.
- Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.

Credits & Thanks
- Skintone : Navetsea
- Eyelash : S-Club
- Freckles : Gosik(TSR)
Flipped Version

- This is a left-right flipped version of the hairstyle above.
- For Male / Teens to Elders
- sims3pack and package files included
- Feel free to retexture. However, please do not share your files including my mesh data.
- Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.

やっと出た!!!!!毎日期待てき kijikoの websiteをみます!!ありがとう!!!とてもきれい髪形です
KIJIKO目前の作品はただcurly hairないです>< 坂田銀時ぐらいのようすははは かわいい男性の髪もほしいい DRAGON BALLの孫悟飯のきのこみたいな髪型もかわいいよ~~ははは
You are so talented! I like your models too.
Can I ask which Navetsea skin you are using?
Thank you so much for your beautiful Creations.
I’ll get straight to the point,
Would you mind me converting some of your hairs to
The Sims Medieval Pirates and Nobels?
Can i also Publish them, (No Credits to me AT ALL)
I Will Link To Your Site,
And All Credits Will Go To You.
It’s Completely Understandable and Fine If You Reject,
Thank you for contacting me.
No,no problem. It’s OK!
Thank you so much!
btw,I would be glad if you tell me the URL of your conversion hairs for the Sims Medieval.
Thank you so much for replying so quickly,
I Haven’t Had Much Luck With Other Creators,
I Would Be Happy To Link Once I Finish Converting
And Testing Them In-Game To Make Sure There’s
No Glitches And All.
Thank You Very Much~
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ご質問等ございましたら、About Kijikoのページにコメントお願い致します。