For Teen, Young Adult, Adult,Elder
- Hair style for Teens to Elders,Children,Toddlers
- Compatible with hats
- Feel free to retexture. However, please do not share your files including my mesh data.
- Please make sure your game is updated to the latest version. CC may not work if the game has not been updated.
- Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.

For Child

For Toddler

Love all your hairs! Thanks you for making Ts4 hair~ and your male sims are beautiful~~ *_*
I love this hair! So cute!
Will this also be for females, too?
Thanks Val!! Thanks Senkai!!
Sorry,I have no plan to make this hair for women for now.
I might make it someday,though.
This hair is perfect! Exactly what I needed. I have definitely become a fan of your content. Bravo!
Thank you sooo much!!(≧▽≦)
ああ、かわいい! What skin texture do you use?
Thank you!!
I’ve used my skin tones and texture in these screenshots.
Here’s the download page.
Yo Kijiko!! Greet job u have here!! I love this hair n’ I need to know when u will make for female too?!
Thank you!
Sorry,I’m not planning on remaking for female. I might make it someday,though…
The model for this hair is super hot. Put him up for download maybe?
Thank you!
Ummm…I might upload them to the Gallery someday.
It’s soooo cool!!!!! I love it! thanks;)
Hello there! I really like that haircut! Can I ask you what eyebrows do you use on the pictures? So nice short and defined!
Thank you Hneww,Keith!
The eyebrows are here.
You have the coolest for guys, thank you.
You truly do an amazing job here!!! I can’t keep my eyes of it! Really beautiful! Thank you!
Wow! This hair is amazing, have been looking for this type of style for ages and if it wasn’t for a recolour on modthesims I never would have found it