For Teen, Young Adult, Adult,Elder
- Hair style for Teens to Elders,Children,Toddlers
- Compatible with hats
- Feel free to retexture. However, please do not share your files including my mesh data.
- Please make sure your game is updated to the latest version. CC may not work if the game has not been updated.
- Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.

For Child

For Toddler

I continue to be blown away by your talents. Your hairstyles are always so perfect and look great on the Sims. Nice work as always and thank you for sharing. So happy you are doing stuff for Sims 4 too.
Thank you sooo much!!
I’m glad you say so ≧ω≦
This looks amazing! I love that even with a hat, your hairs still look really good! Thanks for sharing 🙂
YW(o≧▽゚) Thanks!!
please for sims 3 thank you 🙂
I love your hair! It’s so hard to find good male hair or earrings, and I was wondering where you got the earrings on this picture.
Also, your skins don’t work with the new expansion pack and they are the only ones I use because they’re awesome!
Thank you,Kimmy!
I’ve made the earrings as an experimental. I’m going to make it again when specular map can be edited.
I fixed my skin tones for new patch,please download again (人´ω`)
I’ll be looking forward to when you do add the earrings! Thank you! And I downloaded the skins and my Sims are all beautiful again! Thanks so much!!! 😀
Just curious, but are you planning on making any hairs for child sims?
Your hairs are pretty much the best sims 4 hairs, and I’d really love to have some hairs from you for my child sims! 😀 (especially considering that there’s not that many sims 4 child hair at all)
I just wanted to see if you were planning on making any or not. ^^ (Hopefully this doesn’t sound pushy or anything!)
Thank you have have a wonderful day~
For child? Sounds nice!
You’re right,there are few hairstyles for child.
About planning on making hairstyles for child sims,I’ll think about it.
First,I want to convert my hairstyles to child.
Hello! I love this hairstyle so much! Can you make it for sims 3? ^^
I love it ! It totally cover the eyebrows and make my Sims so charming~
Thank you very much :3
Thank you,Momoichiru,Jin-chan!
Hummm…sorry,that’s a little hard(;´∀`)
髪型では特に、この髪型とFaux hawk のシムズ4仕様リメイク版・丸いシルエットのショートボブがとてもお気に入りです。
(。・`ω´・)hey! your hairstyles are so amazing! well they are always so great!!(= ̄ω ̄=)heu its just to let you know im always support you and continue your creations because we all love u!! o(*≧▽≦)ツ [sorry for my bad english Σ( ° △ °|||)︴ well im not good at all
Thank you sooo much!!(ノ≧∇≦)
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Best hair made for The Sims 4 until now! Continue with the good work! Waiting news.
Hello kijiko! Ive came to ask you for your permission. Im thinking of converting this hair to sims 3 for personal use only so im asking you if you allow me to do so…
With regards xx
Thank you so much,Trev-chan! Taehyunnie!
Just as you say,if you use it for personal use only and don’t share it,converting my CC is OK. (´>ω・`)b
why this is doesnt working for teenager, young adult, adult and elders? this is only working for kids ;-; I do something wrong?
sorry, my eng is bad ;-;
downloading this again. maybe i do something wrong, idk. anyway this is rly good work. im impressed ;-;