- YA/Male
- Skin GOS Edition by navetsea
- Eye bags by me (included)
- Tatoo by me (included)
- Earrings by me
Recommended hairstyle

Faux hawkを作成した時のシムです。体育会系な印象の強い髪型なので、それに合わせてみたつもりです。
Hello! I would like to know which sliders you use to make the sim, please. When my sim aged up from young-adult to adult, his face changed because I don’t have the right sliders. Thank you!!
Sorry I just realised the list is on the previous page. 😛
Nope… I checked that I have all the sliders on the list and my sim’s face still changed when he aged up. Is it possible that I’m missing something? I really want to fix it because I looove your sim models. ^w^
Sorry,I think it can’t be fixed.
Seems that TS3 often changes sims’ face when they age up,in a way we don’t expect.(It’s by design…??)
In this case,I think there is nothing we can do to solve this but edit the sim in CAS using MasterController or something.
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