TS3 Sim Models ‘Rex’


  • YA/Male
  • Skin Hot Edition by navetsea
  • Eyelash Design Set II by S-club

Recommended hairstyle

Shaggy Hair long version (Flipped version at the bottom of the page)

Shaggy Hair Long Flipped version、シャギーヘアのロング版の反転したものを作った時のシムです。 Bed Hair?の反転版で双子ネタを作っていたので、また双子でお茶を濁すのもなんだと言う事で出来上がったシムです。

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  1. Angelette Carter says:

    Thank you sooooo much!!!! I love your sims!!! They look so realistic!! I have a few of your photos in use as my pc wallpaper, & everyone that see’s them think’s they’re real men!!! Some won’t believe me when I tell them they’re sims, till I show them your site! I’ve been hoping you’d upload the models. Thank you!!!

  2. Haggy (Rita) says:

    OMG!!!!! I’m in love with all of your sims! Are any of them single????? ;P And that pic for the flipped version of “Shaggy Hair Long”…..is that not the sexiest picture of all time?????? *faints* 😛

  3. Avatar photo Kijiko says:

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