About Kijiko

I am Kijiko, a lover of cats and The Sims. I’m making custom content for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4.
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I am very grateful for wonderful tools&Mods!


  1. alix says:

    can you make the 3d lashes version 2 a skin detail??

  2. alix says:

    can you please make these a skin detail?

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Yes,I’m planning on converting my new lashes to skin details category. I’m sorry I can’t say for sure when I make it,though.

  3. D says:

    Kijiko! I’m so happy I found your new website. The previous one was taken down. ;_; I was thrilled to find the Sim models that you let us download… you are so kind and generous! I really love your beautiful work and am very grateful for you sharing them for free. Lots of hugs!!

  4. Choco says:

    aaa hello! :3c sorry if I’m bothering but would you ever consider converting any of the Free! hairstyles for sims 4 because i really reall like them but i don’t have sims 3 >.<

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Actually,I’m planning on converting and remaking the “Free!” hairstyles to TS4…but I’m so sorry I can’t say for sure when I do that.

      • Synnove says:

        Oh please do! I was actually coming on here to ask if you would! There are so many that I love and NEED in my game. Orca, Shark and Azurite are my favorite hairs from TS3. It sucks not having them in my game!

      • Choco says:

        hehe no worries! ^w^ i look forward to when you do!

  5. Denielle says:

    Hello Kijiko! I was wondering if you have made a Haruka Nanase hairstyle for the Sims 4.

  6. wilz says:

    Amazing works! Love all your cc skins, make up and hair style, really nails it <3

  7. roxyzxz says:

    I just recently tired to install a few of you mods but when ever I try to open the game it crashes and freezes, this never happened before……I’m not blaming you but do you know any useful advice or anything…..I do have a ton of mods and have tried deleting others and re-installing the game but nothing works, I should have the latest version of the game but it is not working. 🙁

  8. Sam says:

    hello, I dunno if you read this comment, but just for notice, the link for “Long straight hair” it’s broken http://kijiko.catfood.jp/dcitems4/long-straight-for-male/ SINCE MONTHS… :c
    Please, please, re-upload your work, I would love to have at least the female one back.
    Thank you.

  9. Tyler says:

    i saw on one of your previous posts (http://kijiko-catfood.com/white-toyger-kitten-ts4-edition-for-male/) that the model has a lip ring. do you know where i could download that? i have been looking for one like that forever

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      I made that lip rings for that screenshots.
      I’m making and testing it yet,but if it go well I might share it.

  10. とものまま says:

    あのお忙しいとは思いますが、よろしかったら「Nightingale (for Male) 」を4のにリメイクしていただけたら嬉しいですっ><

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      もちろん、Nightingale もリメイクして遠からず完成させてUPできれば、と思っております!

  11. nicolas says:

    Your hairstyles are the best!!Please can you convert your Hototogisu hair (Male) for sims 4 ?

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Thank you,nicolas! Yes,I’m planning on converting my TS3 hairstyles to TS4,I will also do it for the Hototogisu hair,someday.

  12. nantia says:

    I’m wondering if you are planning to make some hairstyles but I dont have your email to sent you a photo

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Do you have an account of online storage like MediaFire,Dropbox or something? but if you mean sending your photo is a request to make a certain hairstyle,I’m so sorry but I don’t take a request for now.

      • nantia says:

        It’s not a request. It’s question if you planning to make hairstyles likes these. If you want to sent you the photo sent me email at my email at google

  13. とものまま says:

    kijikoさんがお使いになっている、White Toyger Kitten TS4 edition (for Male)の口ピアスは、どこのものでしょうか?

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:


  14. If says:

    Hi Kijiko, I just want ask about retexturing your hairs. I don’t know how “do not include mesh”. 🙁 Can you help me?