About Kijiko

I am Kijiko, a lover of cats and The Sims. I’m making custom content for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4.
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I am very grateful for wonderful tools&Mods!


  1. Dennis says:


    I love your TS4 hairstyles so much! Your non-alpha texture is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. But I’m a little bit sad that there are few variations for long hair and I have a suggestion. I think the Bob with Straight Bangs would also look good and cute in medium-long style, just like in many anime characters! 🙂

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Thank you so much!!
      I like your idea,that’s good! I’ll think about it 🙂 (but so sorry,I can’t promise to make it because now I’m a bit busy to other things to do.)

      • Dennis says:

        I’m glad you like my idea! And I appreciate you maintaining and updating all the great CC here, so don’t worry and take your time 😉

  2. Amanda says:

    Just letting you know your 3d lashes have stopped working in my game

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      My lashes are still working with the latest patch. Could you check whether it has been installed correctly?

  3. Cat Schüttler says:

    can you please update the lashes for the new patch nov18 ??

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      I checked my lashes and they still are working with the latest patch,
      but I’m going to update the lashes because I’d like to add some new lashes.
      Give me some time to finish it 🙂

  4. lenny says:

    hi ! I just wanted you to know that your dedication to your work and the love and effort you put in really does show, and I appreciate you and see you as probably one of the best CC makers. thanks!

  5. ava says:

    can u put the mesh because i cant find it

  6. PerfectionCat says:


  7. RoseySims says:

    Hi! Your skin detail lashes glitch with things that go from accessories to fingers. Like rings etc. I would love to get that fixed. I mean if you have yellow ring, the yellow goes to the lashes.

  8. tama says:

    http://sim4log.blog.fc2.com/ しむるしあわせ tama 

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:


  9. Revi says:

    Heya Kijiko!
    Is it possible for Hototogisu (for Male) (hairstyle)
    To have it without ponytail?

    Just long hair. ?

    Thank you!<3

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      That’s nice idea 😀
      …but so sorry I don’t have enough time to edit the hairstyle for now. I’ll keep your idea in my mind. Thank you.

  10. Amanda says:

    I am still seeing eyelashes in first person mode

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Seems there’s a glitch like that depending on graphic cards. Also it seems the lashes can’t be fixed depending on graphic cards.
      (seems there’s a case that can fix by editing GraphicsRules.sgr
      If you see the lashes in first person mode even if you use glasses version of the lashes,sorry but I don’t have further information and can’t do anything for now.

  11. Karen says:

    Hello Kijiko,

    I was wondering if I could have your permission to publish a mod for a game I made using your hair.

    You will be credited in the mod description on the website I upload it to.

    Thanks for your consideration,


    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Thank you for contacting me.
      Would you mind telling me about your mod in a little more detail ? (URL of publish site,how to distribute …etc.)
      Also,I allow the convertion of my mod to other games if you share it for free. (it is not a pay item or you aren’t going to get money by using it)
      If you share it for the Sims3 or 4,I don’t allow it.
      I would appreciate your understanding.

      • Karen says:

        Hello Kijiko,

        The mod is published in a Discord server and it is shared for free. I simply port the model into the game and then leave the download up for everyone to enjoy (with you listed as source).


        • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

          I’m sorry that I ask it again.
          Are you converting my CC to specific data format which can be used for the game,aren’t you?
          I updated my ‘Terms of Use’ because I may have not explained things clearly.
          I am sorry for bothering you,but could you check that out?
          If your purpose don’t conflict with it,converting my CC is no problem!

          I would be glad if you let me know the URL of your mod when you upload it.

  12. Snarly says:

    Hi Kijiko,

    Thanks for your great work. I did have a question though. Where do I download the updated version of your mod? the only download link I found was for older stuff (at least that’s what was written in the readme file.) Thanks.

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Hi,thank you so much!
      I usually write informetion of update when I re-upload the updated files in the top of page.
      If the mod files you’ve got are older than update date,you can get newer files when you download again.
      If you check the last modified date of a file (not ‘created date’,please note that),you can know if the files are newer than yours.

  13. John says:

    Hi Kijiko,
    wondering what hair is being used in this tweet looks really good!

    Thanks in advance!

  14. Mimi says:

    Hei Kijiko,

    i have a question about converting some of your awesome hairs for use in a different game, It’d be great if you could get back to me via mail 😀

    Thanks in advance!

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Thank you for contacting me 🙂
      Would you mind my asking the summary of your question?
      Also,do you mind if I ask you about something?
      What game are you converting the hair for?
      Do you plan to publish it? and if so,where are you going to upload it?
      I’d appreciate if you could reply here.