Night Fog (for Male)

The Sims3

For Teens to Elders



  • Hairstyle for The Sims 3
  • For Male / Teens to Elders
  • sims3pack and package files included
  • Feel free to retexture. However, please do not share your files including my mesh data.
  • Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.

Credits & Thanks

  • Skintone : Navetsea
  • Eyelash : S-Club
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Conversions for Kids

There is a version converted for children and toddlers by InkWisteria.


  1. speedcat says:

    awesome thank you … just what i need for my kise ♥

  2. pnmai says:

    Thank you Kijiko~ I’m your biggest fan ❤

  3. Nina says:

    So wonderful ! I love your work 😀 Thank you !

  4. Selas says:


  5. chitra says:

    thank you, kijiko-san! i love your work! ^ o ^

  6. Midory says:

    I’m in love wit your sim <3


  7. Blaeh says:

    These hairstyles are really stunning! Amazing work. 🙂

  8. KnightDevil says:

    Thank you so much for your kind to sharing 🙂

  9. K says:

    Thanks for such wonderful hairstyles.

  10. Avatar photo kijiko says:

    Thanks KnightDevil,K !! 😀

  11. hina says:


  12. ゴロー says:


  13. 李佳蓁 says:


    • Avatar photo kijiko says:


  14. Maya says:

    Wow, your sims are just TOO hot for me! I want to take them home! Great hairs, glad I stumbled upon your site!