*****Nov/12/2019 Update*****
A new version of the skintone was created.
I do not plan to update this skintone in the future. I recommend the new version below.
Non-default and Default Replacement skin color – Textured
Non-default skin color – Flat & Smooth (Maxis Match)
- This file adds 11 new skin tones.This is skin color,not skin detail.(Non-default skin color).
- There are two version: “Textured” and “Flat & Smooth” (Please read below for details.)
- Please choose the one and put it into the Mods folder.
- This is not a Skin Overlay (use it as Skin detail),so you can use a Recolorable Skin Overlay with my skin tones.
- for All age and All gender
- please make sure your game is updated to the latest version.
- If the game has not been updated,CC may not work.

There are two version: “Textured” and “Flat & Smooth”
“Textured” adds texture(hi lights and skin tint etc.) on the skin tones.
“Flat & Smooth” matches the EA’s tones.

*2015/05/25 追記です
赤ちゃんに対してはカスタムスキントーンが適応されません。ベースゲームの肌色が使用されます。このカスタムスキントーンは明るい肌色として扱われるため、両親がこのカスタムスキントーンを持っている場合、赤ちゃんは明るい肌色を持って生まれてきます。ほとんどの場合は・・・たまに暗い肌色の子が生まれることもあるみたいです。両親に関わらず黒い子ばかり生まれた、という報告をもらいました。拙宅のテス ト時にはほとんど明るい肌色の赤ちゃんだったのですが、1例だけ黒い子が生まれました。(両親は暗い肌色+明るい肌色でした)TS4 Skininator(http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=568474)でアーキタイプの編集が出来たので、アーキタイプフラグを削除しました。
testingCheats onを入力
Love the pale skin tone, thanks very much!
Hopefully you’re working on new hairs, too, as those for the Sims 3 are simply outstanding.
Keep up the good work!
Wow!!Thanks J!! I’m glad you like it(≧∇≦)
I love the darkest skin tones! Thanks so much for making such gorgeous realistic ones!
Thanks Teru!! ≧ω≦
Thanks, Kijiko! (I don’t know how it’s spelled though, your name that is. xD)
Thanks!! ≧ω≦
thaaaank you <3
I really love your creations, and cannot wait till the issues with the darker skintones are figured out; you have my full appreciation there! 😉 Thank you, keep up the good work!
Thanks for letting us know you are aware of the non-default skintone problem. Will be thrilled when it’s all sorted out – EA really messed things up with this patch!
I thought I would let you know that people are already fixing their skintones.
Hi Amy,
Phew…I’ve fixed my skin tones,too.
Haha,you’re right. Every modder will be busy fixing their mods.ε-(´ω`●)
Bless you and thank you so much! I can’t live without these beauties – the EA default pale skintones are so…ugly. And this patch – OMG..it’s terrible!
When I click download nothing happens
can you update your body hair mod for the new patch? it doesn’t show up anymore in CAS
Kijiko = love
thank you <333
I’m loving your skin tones! Thanks so much!!
Hi, I love this skintone! I tend to make my female sims very pale, so I use this non-defalut w/o the texture. However, whenever a sim with one of these non-default skintones has a baby, the baby comes out black, no matter the race of the parents. I’ve done some testing and found out that the cause is these skintones. Is there any way you can fix this? Thank you!
Thank you,Tay!
I tested it again,too. Then the result is the following;
1, Dad and Mam have light skin tone = baby has light skin tone
2, Dad has dark tone + Mam has light skin tone = baby has dark skin tone
3, Dad and Mam have dark skin tone = baby has light skin tone
This result was different from yours,but it’s didn’t live up to my expectations.
Babies don’t have custom skin tones,so they are usually just a base game color,and custom skin tones will appear after baby grow up into a child.
Besides,it seems the genetics of base game skin tones does not work with the custom skin tones.
I’ve been thinking that a genetic factor of custom skin tones refers to the source of its tone data.
However,it may not so…
Your result is all babies have dark tone,and it appears in my result no.2,too.
Unfortunately,for now,I think baby’s skin tone is not able to change because babies are just objects in the Sims4.(not appear in CAS)
I’m so sorry I can’t help you.
If after a baby ages up into a child, you can change the skin tones by using cheats,though.
Anyway…I think I have to add the note about this behavior of the skin tone in the “Sims4 genetics(?)”.
Thank you for letting me know!
Oh,BTW,I wonder if you could tell me how to do your test.
By any chance,it’s might be help to fix that.