- Hairstyle for The Sims 3
- For Male / Teens to Elders
- sims3pack and package files included
- Feel free to retexture. However, please do not share your files including my mesh data.
- Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.

Credits & Thanks
- Skintone : Navetsea
- Eyelash : S-Club
- Necklace : wideopeneyes(TSR)
it won’t let me reply!!
Thanks for the suggestion, but it didn’t work either. I’m really mad right now. Everything was done exactly how it is supposed to be done, but the extractor says it misses files.
Is there really no other way? I know you can’t just upload all files in .package format, but I’m out of ideas.
Thank you anyway and continue making this great stuff!!
Can be a work better than this? No.
Just love your creations / work. You’re so awesome!
Keep it up. c:
Wowww!Thanks Yuuka 😀
I love this hair sooo much <33 😀 Thank you 🙂
Also, which skin do you use? I know you gave the website but which one of them do you use?
Wow!! Thanks Angela!
I used the “BUSTY Edition ” for this Sim.
I think you can find it at the “skin PAGE1” tag in his blog.
I love this sim,hes so handsome. Wish he was up for download. But I shall have to try my best to copy his face. My sims always look the same so i really like this one.
Wow!Thanks UnwillingDonor!!
As of now,I have no plan to share my Sims,but I’ll think about it.
I had a lot of fun using your hair in sims 3. Really bad that u dont convert it to Sims 4. Sims 4 dont have many good mods. I hope u soon do more hairs for The sims 4.
Thanks N!
Yeah,It’s bad that like TS3 hair didn’t work correctly. But I don’t give up totally,I’m going to look for solution for it.
And now,I’m trying to make the hair like TS4 style p(`・ω・´)q
Thank You! You are my last hope! 😀
This is my favourite hair that I have found so far. Lol It looks like mine irl. 😀 Thank you for creating it… please please please make more like this?
Thanks Arkiel!!
like this hair? yeah, I’d like to make it if I could…(;´ω`)ゞ
Thank you for making this hairstyle! It’s beautiful!. Keep up the good works 🙂
hi hi! i was looking around for nice hair mods for SIMS4 and found yours! omg all your hairstyles are absolutely perfect! please please convert them to SIMS4! i really really want to use them onegaishimaaaaasu :(((
Thank you,Nesree!!
Yep,I’m thinking I’ll try converting my TS3 hairstyles to TS4.
Please wait until then (*´艸`*)
if you do this for sims 4, would you include a red and black recolour? that’s what i always use it as on sims 3! it’s my favourite! 😀
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