3D Lashes Makeup Version
Note [Please read before installation.]
These lashes are the “3D Lashes Version2” and “3D Lashes Version2 Skin Detail version” moved from the Glasses and Skin Details categories to the “Eyelashes” category in Makeup.
If you already have “3D Lashes Version2” or “3D Lashes Version2 Skin Detail version”, please delete all those files before installing this version.
Do not install the lashes in glasses category and the lashes in this makeup category at the same time. Choose one of them.
Since they were originally created using glasses (and rings for the skin detail version), changing the category will still conflict with glasses or rings.
(To learn more about why this conflict cannot be resolved, please click below)

A sim texture in The Sims 4 is limited in space and EA’s eyelashes have a texture mapped to a small space on the left edge. It is too small and does not allow for transparent textures with alpha channels. So my lashes are created using the glasses (and rings) texture space.
The latest patch does not change this limited texture space situation.
Please refer to the image below to see the icon in the thumbnails that indicates whether it conflicts with glasses or rings.

Thumbnail of eyelashes conflict with glasses.
Wearing glasses will cause texture glitches on both the glasses and the lashes.
These lashes can be used with accessories other than glasses at the same time.

Thumbnail of eyelashes conflict with rings.
Wearing a ring will cause texture glitches on both the ring and the lashes.
These lashes can be used with accessories other than rings at the same time.
*****Aug/10/2024 Update*****
In the 8/8/2024 patch (PC: 1.108.349.1020 / Mac: 1.108.349.1220), an issue was fixed where the eyelashes did not follow the shape of eyes.
Overwrite the following file containing the mesh.
2024年8/8のパッチ(PC: 1.108.349.1020 / Mac: 1.108.349.1220)において、まつ毛が目のシェイプに沿わなくなる問題を修正しました。
It contains the same style of lashes as “3D Lashes Version2“.

Additional Styles

- Optional files for the lashes above.
These lashes are the same as the lashes included in “Eye Makeup Kit“.
If you have already installed that eyelash files, please delete the following file and use this makeup version one.
[Kijiko]eyelash_YU_v2_fine-coloured.package - The mesh files required.(mesh data is not included.)
Download the file above, [Kijiko]Eyelash_Makeup. - Please make sure that your game version is the latest.
こちらのまつ毛は「3D Lashes Version2」と「3D Lashes Version2 Skin Detail version」をメガネおよびスキンディティールのカテゴリーからメイクアップの「まつ毛」のカテゴリーに移動させたものです。
Hello. Forgive my bad English. Will you update the versions for children, infants and toddlers? If you transfer their eyelashes to makeup, it will automatically unlock as a category for them. I would really like to see the ability to use both as makeup and for them.
hii, can you update the uncurled version too?