3D Lashes Version2
*****Aug/10/2024 Update*****
In the 8/8/2024 patch (PC: 1.108.349.1020 / Mac: 1.108.349.1220), an issue was fixed where the eyelashes did not follow the shape of eyes.
Overwrite the following file containing the mesh.
2024年8/8のパッチ(PC: 1.108.349.1020 / Mac: 1.108.349.1220)において、まつ毛が目のシェイプに沿わなくなる問題を修正しました。
- Eyelash for Teen/YA/Adult/Elder,For All Gender.
- Lashes are in Accessories category.(Glasses)
- Compatible with eye shape morphing
- Please make sure to turn off the laptop mode.
- Feel free to recolor and re-texture,but if you upload and share it,please DO NOT include mesh data.
Also,please DO NOT copy my meshes.
Please link to my blog as a way to get mesh data.
There may be cases where the mesh data is updated for fixing issue. - Please make sure your game is updated to the latest version.
CC may not work if the game has not been updated. - Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.
Installation Guide for The 3D Lashes
If you have any trouble,please check out this guide.

EA Eyelashes Remover MOD
Post moved. You can download it here.
Additional Styles

- Optional files for the lashes above.
- The mesh files required.(mesh data is not included.)
- I updated the main files which include mesh data in Dec/08/2015.
Even if you’ve got my lashes (Main files) already,you need update them for using these additional colors if main files in your Mods folder are older than that.
Please download again,and overwrite old files. - Please make sure that your game version is the latest.
Party Colors (Optional file)

- This is an optional file for the lashes above.
- The mesh files required.(the mesh data is not included.)
- 5 colors and 5 designs with white color (Regular length)
- For Female and For Male included.
EA睫毛削除 ティーン/若年/成人/老年 用
こちらは、長いまつ毛デザインを追加します。メッシュ自体はメインファイルに入っておりますので、メインファイルと一緒にご使用下さい。詳しくはRead Meファイルを同梱致しましたので、ご参照下さい。 [Kijiko]eyelash_version2_option_PartyColors
Hi! I don’t understand how to download the meshes of the eyelashes. Can you explain ?
Just click the download button under the text “[Kijiko]eyelash_version2”.
When I’m in CUS mode, I can see the lashes on the picture but when I click on them I don’t see them on the face of my sims. Can you help me ?
Do you mean that you can select the lashes’ thumbnail but the lashes are not shown?
If so,I can’t say for sure because I don’t know which files you installed,but I’m guessing you didn’t put the main file.
Make sure to put the “[Kijiko]eyelash_YF_version2.package” in your mod folder.
I already delete all the old lashes and put the new lashes version into my mods folder. But when i played the game the lashes didn’t show up. So i tried to put the new and old lashes at the same time. And only the old lashes that show up in my game. Can you explain? I really love the new version
Could you tell me the number of your game version?
FYI,this update (on 6/7/2016) is just for compatibility with “Gender Customization Options”. By this update,the lashes can be used for all genders and frames such as female,male,masculine female and feminine male.
There is nothing change to lashes styles.
If your game version is older than 6/2/2016 patch,I recommend to keep older version of my lashes.
hi just wondering i downloaded the new version of your lashes but for some reason they wont show up in CAS or when i go into options in the sims 4 and check my mods/cc list in game it doesnt show up either but the file is in my mods folder so i dont understand ahaha i hope that made sense
Hi molly,
Sorry for late reply.
Could you check the the following :
Is your game the latest version?
Are these files put in your mod folder?
[Kijiko]eyelash_YF_version2_expansion-lashes00.package (This is optional,but needed to use long lashes styles.)
Your 3D lashes are absolutely gorgeous. Any chance that we can get a version that can be worn with glasses?
These are very beautiful, thank you!
I deleted the older version as told to, added the newer version but It didn’t seem to show up in game? It showed up in the thing that pops up when you open your game but not actually in the create a sim catalog.. Is there some mesh or something I need to download for it to work? Please someone get back to me.. These are beautiful eyelashes and I’d love my sims to wear them! 🙂
Hi Gwen,
Could you check the the following :
Is your game the latest version?
Are these files put in your mod folder?
[Kijiko]eyelash_YF_version2_expansion-lashes00.package (This is optional,but needed to use long lashes styles.)
Did you turn on “Enable Custom Content and Mod” in the game options?
I’ve installed this under my MOD folder, but the lashes arent available 🙁
Is there a mesh I need to download to make it work?
You need the following files :
[Kijiko]eyelash_YF_version2_expansion-lashes00.package (This is optional,but needed to use long lashes styles.)
and game version (Mac or later is required.
Also,please make sure to turn on “Enable Custom Content and Mod” in the game options.
Hi, I have a problem with these lashes and I don’t know why 🙁 Lashes appear in the game, but they are different as seen in the photo and I have all the meshes. Here is a picture for you to understand. (sorry for my english)
Sim has no other CC on her. Please can you help me?
The lashes are distorted with all eye shape?
If not,and that happens with specific eye shape,I’m sorry, but I may not be able to solve that.
Depending on eye shape morphing,there may be case that the lashes are distorted.
Especially,eye shape with single-edged eyelid is a bit hard to morph the lashes properly.
I’d like to ask you just for reference,which lashes did you use? Are you using lashes ‘Version 2’…right?
Do you think you can take a screenshot with lashes’ thumbnail you’re using? (it’s needed to turn on the ‘capture UI’ in game options.)
Hello Kijiko..
I also seems to have a problem loading your eyelashes in CAS. It doesn’t show up. My game version is
I already have
in my folder. Can you help me find out what’s wrong? 🙁
Did you install update version of Jun/07/2016?
If so,causes that I can guess are the following…
‘Enable Custom Content and Mod’ has been turned off.
Subfolder that files are put into is too much nested.(seeing the Resource.cfg,you can know available nesting levels.)
BTW,do other CC in the same folder show up in your game?
Uh..!? you said
Sorry,that’s wrong…!
Current files of the lashes are not available for your game version.
I’ve put the older version near the bottom of this page.
Click the text of ‘Older Files (for previous version earlier than 06/02/2016 patch.) ‘,then the download link will be shown.
Try this older version file.
Ah, it works! Thank you Kijiko! <3
hi is there a way to wear the lashes and glasses together ? thank you!
hello I have downloaded your eyelashes quite a few times and different ones as well I have the laptop mode off and i never ware rings or nails she looks great the eyelashes are beautiful in create mode but when i am playing the game on all of my sims their eyelashes are white i don’t know if i did something wrong idk if there is anything u could help me with i would highly appreciate it thank you very much for your time
Hi, my lashes look excelent in CAS, but now that I’m in game they just show up white and with geometric shapes. How can I fix this?
Hi Brittany,Candela
The lashes don’t show up correctly even If the following cases apply to you,I’m so sorry but probably I can’t identify the cause.
Laptop mode off has been turned off.
Base game’s glasses look transparent correctly on your PC.
Also if you use custom hair with texture alpha though,edges of that hair look transparent correctly in CAS and in-game.
Removed all other CC except the lashes,but the lashes still look white.