3D Lashes Version2
*****Aug/10/2024 Update*****
In the 8/8/2024 patch (PC: 1.108.349.1020 / Mac: 1.108.349.1220), an issue was fixed where the eyelashes did not follow the shape of eyes.
Overwrite the following file containing the mesh.
2024年8/8のパッチ(PC: 1.108.349.1020 / Mac: 1.108.349.1220)において、まつ毛が目のシェイプに沿わなくなる問題を修正しました。
- Eyelash for Teen/YA/Adult/Elder,For All Gender.
- Lashes are in Accessories category.(Glasses)
- Compatible with eye shape morphing
- Please make sure to turn off the laptop mode.
- Feel free to recolor and re-texture,but if you upload and share it,please DO NOT include mesh data.
Also,please DO NOT copy my meshes.
Please link to my blog as a way to get mesh data.
There may be cases where the mesh data is updated for fixing issue. - Please make sure your game is updated to the latest version.
CC may not work if the game has not been updated. - Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.
Installation Guide for The 3D Lashes
If you have any trouble,please check out this guide.

EA Eyelashes Remover MOD
Post moved. You can download it here.
Additional Styles

- Optional files for the lashes above.
- The mesh files required.(mesh data is not included.)
- I updated the main files which include mesh data in Dec/08/2015.
Even if you’ve got my lashes (Main files) already,you need update them for using these additional colors if main files in your Mods folder are older than that.
Please download again,and overwrite old files. - Please make sure that your game version is the latest.
Party Colors (Optional file)

- This is an optional file for the lashes above.
- The mesh files required.(the mesh data is not included.)
- 5 colors and 5 designs with white color (Regular length)
- For Female and For Male included.
EA睫毛削除 ティーン/若年/成人/老年 用
こちらは、長いまつ毛デザインを追加します。メッシュ自体はメインファイルに入っておりますので、メインファイルと一緒にご使用下さい。詳しくはRead Meファイルを同梱致しましたので、ご参照下さい。 [Kijiko]eyelash_version2_option_PartyColors
This is beautiful. My game just wouldn’t be the same without them!
Do I need to delete the older version to use these?
Thank you,Naomi!!
No,you don’t need to delete old files. It’s Ok to just overwrite.
Thanks for updating :3 Do you have the child version of this?
No,not yet. Sorry but I don’t have plan to make the long lashes for children,for now.
I think I want to make it someday,though.
These eyelashes are so pretty but they don’t work with windows 10! I have downloaded them on my macbook and they worked fine but when I downloaded on my windows 10 and it didn’t show up. Please fix this problem because the eyelashes that I have in my game (By MaySims) Clashes with everything! I would appreciate if you made these work. Thank you <3
Thank you,SenpaiSemaj.
I’m sorry but I have no idea what is the cause of your issue.
I don’t have Windows10,but it runs the same as Win7 and 8,right?
If so,this is my guess but…would you try checking the following?
If you haven’t updated your game,update to the latest.
Check the Resource.cfg and working subfolders correctly.
Also,are the other custom contents working except this lashes? (If so,I have totally no idea why it isn’t working,sorry.)
No, the eyelashes arent the only cc that doesnt work there is also some cc by marigold that doesn’t work but I’m pretty sure windows 10 is only a little bit different than windows 8 and 7. And I have the newest update to the sims 4 (i think its the one where you have groups) Thank you though!
May I ask you again? (I’m not sure if I can help you,though.)
Are there any CC working on your PC in TS4 for Windows 10?
I mean,I want to know whether your issue is “all of CC don’t work” or “some of the CC are working but some of the CC aren’t working”.
If the latter…that might be the issue that I haven’t known,peculiar to Windows 10…?
If the former,it might be just unchecked “Enable Custom Content” in Game Options.
Omg! these lashes are perfect for my sims~
thank you for making these 🙂
YW(*´∀`) I’m glad you like it!
These are beautiful but I can’t find them in my game anywhere! They’re not in the glasses part as you said in the description – have you go any idea how I could find them? Thank you!
Hi Alix,
Is the package file of this lashes recognized?
If not,would you check this page?
This is so so amazing! Thank you so much! <3
new 3d lash i check in s4s, why not have mesh?
I love these eyelashes, the older version worked fine in my game. When I added the extension ones however, they showed up in game the same length as the older ones. Do you know why this is? Thanks (:
Thank you,Natalie. I’m glad you like my lashes.
Did you put the main file ([Kijiko]eyelash_YM_version2.package,please overwrite the old file.) and the optional file ([Kijiko]eyelash_YM_version2_expansion-lashes00.package) together?
Long lashes styles will show up as separated CAS parts from short length styles (older version) in a glasses category.
Thats the thing, I have no idea how to overwrite the files lmao :'(
How exactly do I do this?
You’ve already put the main file in your mods folder,right?
FYI,main files are following:
Female: [Kijiko]eyelash_YF_version2.package
Male: [Kijiko]eyelash_YM_version2.package
(Sorry,I forgot to write the “for female” flie in my comment above.)
Just put the new file into the same place again.
When the dialog will show up,please select “overwrite”.
I can’t believe I didnt get that right earlier lol. All I had to do was click replace these files for anyone that hasnt yet figured it out. Thank you so much, I love the eyelashes!
If you haven’t figured out already, just go and place it in Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods or wherever your mods are, it will say there’s already an existing file using that name just press continue and it will overwrite it. Hope I helped if you haven’t already figured it out! 🙂
None of your eyelashes show up in my game, my game is the latest version as well.
Could you check this page?
and please read the ‘Read me.txt’ in unzipped folder for the details.
hello how are you kijiko your eyelashes are amazing amazing bravo can u do more longer and different eyelashes and more longer really your amazing you make the sim more beautiful with long long eyelashes plz do more eyelashes longer more longer and different 😀 😀
Kijiko, first of all you’re doing the best job on eyelashes I’ve seen within the Sim Community! Admire your eye-lashes they are worn by almost all of my sims 😉 Secondly your hair is smooth…. wish it would have more different hairstyles… 😉 because they are somewhat a little similar – but just a little if you know what I mean 😉 Your skintones are superb… Are you aware that many African-Americans wish to have more options on darker skin in Sims4? Even I wish we would have some more smoother options… and yours are wonderful… Would you, could you create a collection only for dark skins? I would freak out & I know I would not be the only one =)
Hi Sue! Thank you!
Actually,I tried some darker skin tones before,but they didn’t go well because DXT compression is hard to deal with dark tone gradation. Textures came dirty when I exported to DSS format. …but smoother textures (without highlight,skin tint and etc…) may be compressed better than skins I tested before.
“collection only for dark skins”,that’s nice idea! I want to try it someday.
I have no idea how people can like Kijiko’s creations. Like, how!!?? I love them! It’s so good, it hurts!!
Thanks! I’m so glad you like my CC!
That profile pic thou! Anyways, thanks for the lovely creation, I use it all the time!
I would love these in my game but I play on a laptop. Do they still not work properly in laptop mode?
Unfortunately,the design of the Laptop mode has not been changed. It doesn’t still handle objects have alpha texture properly.
I suppose we can’t do anything for that unless EA changes the Laptop mode design.
Does that like mean i can´t get them in the game on my mac? Cause i really want them…
No,this lashes are working on my Mac. My Mac is MacBook Pro Retina 15-inch Early 2013.
I’m playing TS4 unchecking the laptop mode. If TS4 can run without the laptop mode on your Mac,it isn’t necessary to check the laptop mode even if your Mac is laptop,I think.