3D Lashes Version2
*****Aug/10/2024 Update*****
In the 8/8/2024 patch (PC: 1.108.349.1020 / Mac: 1.108.349.1220), an issue was fixed where the eyelashes did not follow the shape of eyes.
Overwrite the following file containing the mesh.
2024年8/8のパッチ(PC: 1.108.349.1020 / Mac: 1.108.349.1220)において、まつ毛が目のシェイプに沿わなくなる問題を修正しました。
- Eyelash for Teen/YA/Adult/Elder,For All Gender.
- Lashes are in Accessories category.(Glasses)
- Compatible with eye shape morphing
- Please make sure to turn off the laptop mode.
- Feel free to recolor and re-texture,but if you upload and share it,please DO NOT include mesh data.
Also,please DO NOT copy my meshes.
Please link to my blog as a way to get mesh data.
There may be cases where the mesh data is updated for fixing issue. - Please make sure your game is updated to the latest version.
CC may not work if the game has not been updated. - Do not re-upload, duplicate, or not include in your uploads. I do not guarantee that it will work for your use. Use at your own risk.
Installation Guide for The 3D Lashes
If you have any trouble,please check out this guide.

EA Eyelashes Remover MOD
Post moved. You can download it here.
Additional Styles

- Optional files for the lashes above.
- The mesh files required.(mesh data is not included.)
- I updated the main files which include mesh data in Dec/08/2015.
Even if you’ve got my lashes (Main files) already,you need update them for using these additional colors if main files in your Mods folder are older than that.
Please download again,and overwrite old files. - Please make sure that your game version is the latest.
Party Colors (Optional file)

- This is an optional file for the lashes above.
- The mesh files required.(the mesh data is not included.)
- 5 colors and 5 designs with white color (Regular length)
- For Female and For Male included.
EA睫毛削除 ティーン/若年/成人/老年 用
こちらは、長いまつ毛デザインを追加します。メッシュ自体はメインファイルに入っておりますので、メインファイルと一緒にご使用下さい。詳しくはRead Meファイルを同梱致しましたので、ご参照下さい。 [Kijiko]eyelash_version2_option_PartyColors
Your lashes are awesome but they are not showing up correctly anymore. I’ve used them since I started using mods. They are the best. I hope you fix this issue soon.
HI,could you tell me details of your issue and your game version because I don’t know what should I fix?
Since the latest patch your lashes look like (i’m not sure how to describe this right) there are white fans on top of the lashes. I wish I could include a picture. Is there anyway I could send you a picture?
I screenshot my sim with the lashes on. http://imgur.com/QUXnK2v
Thank you for sending screenshot.
The lashes had worked fine before that patch,right?
Do the lashes look like that even if you don’t use CC?
Umm,that looks like a issue with turning on the lap top mode. Do lenses of any base game’s glasses look transparent correctly on your game?
In the case that the lashes don’t work correctly even If you’ve turned off the lap top mode,there’s a case that EA changed shader’s design. Thereby,there is a possibility that the shader for drawing transparent objects doesn’t work properly with specific video card.
If so,I’m so sorry but probably I can’t do anything.
Ah,and I’m not sure whether it helps you or not…
Did try repairing the game and resetting your sims 4 folder?
(repairing is right click on the sims 4 picture in Origin and click repair,
resetting is move your sims 4 folder ( that is in Documents \ Electronic Arts \ the sims 4) to the desktop or anywhere. Then restart the game, and a new sims 4 folder will be generated. After that exit the game,then add back the “options.ini” file, the “saves” , “screenshots” “tray” and “mods” folders from older sims 4 folder to the new sims 4 folder.)
I took most of my mods out of my folder and added groups of them back in at a time and I found the mod that was causing the issue with the eyelashes! Thank you for responding!
hi, i just downloaded these lashes to my game and I have access to them and it allows me to apply them to my sim however when i do, no lashes appear. help?
Hey Kijiko Would you make a package of removal of EA eyelashes? I know there’re some eyes shape do not have eyelashes. But it’s quite annoying to change all of the sims eyes. And sometimes I cannot find the perfect eyes shape without default eyelashes :/
Hello, I love your lashes but ever since the recent update, they have been looking chunky and odd.
I’m having the same issue also. It looks like there’s too much mascara or something on them lolol
Hi kijiiko I love your lashes they are fabulous however I might be wrong but the patch you had before used to work on male and female children too but since I downloaded your latest version they no longer appear in cas, and after coming on here it says in the description that it starts at teen, is there any chance you could make them for children again please or tell me which file to download again with the child lashes in?
regards Kayleigh
Hi,thank you Kayleigh!
Sorry for my late reply.
This version is for Teen,Young Adult,Adult and Elder. “For kids” is needed another file.
Also,I haven’t changed the kids version and still it’s working as before.
The kids version is here: http://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes-version2-for-kids/
I’m sorry I CANNOT find the package file you need to put into your mods before getting the lashes please help me and then I don’t know where to get the ones where the long lashes you can download and regular lashes both please please help me.
Hi, I CANNOT find the package file to download to put in your mods like you said before using lashes. Please give me a link of where to download that. And another thing is can you please tell me where to find both regular and long lashes to download? I mostly want long but regular and long the one with 20 and 25 lashes like you said. I really want those. Thank you.
To download it,just click the download button with green arrow icon under the “[Kijiko]eyelash_version2”. (it’s near the top of this page.)
After the download it,unzip the .zip file,then the folder named ‘[Kijiko]eyelash_version2’ will be extracted. 25 regular length and 20 long styles are included in it.
Please read the ReadMe.txt in that folder for details.
Hi, thank you so much for responding, but how do I unzip the zip file?
Nvm, I extracted the files, but it’s not there..
Can you tell me where I should put the unzipped file in after it extracted? Because I put it in mods but it’s not in the CAS
I’ve posted “Installation Guide“. If you haven’t used CC and mods before,please see that.
Also,more information is here : click the “PLEASE READ BEFORE SENDING A COMMENT!” (it’s near the top of this page),contents will open. Please see there if you have any problems.
Hi Kijiko, I’m very sorry for bothering you constantly but I can’t take it anymore. I cannot get the longer lashes. Please please help me and I will be so happy. You know those kijiko lashes version 2 EXPANSION mesh? Well I can’t find the expansion mesh lashes where they’re expanded to be even longer ones. I seriously need help I cannot find them. I don’t know how to ask you this. I’ve already looked at the “Before sending a comment” section and the installation guide before you even told me to do that. But please please, please tell me how I can get the expansion mesh version 2 lashes , the lashes where they’re EVEN longer expanded lashes. Thank you so much and please please respond to this.
Hi Bianca,
I’m a bit confused,so let me confirm if I got it.
You’ve got the regular length lashes,right?
First of all,to use the longer lashes,you need 2 files.
2 types of the lashes will appear like this:
Difference between regular length and expansion is here:
[Kijiko]eyelash_YF_version2.package (regular length)
If you expect longer one than these,sorry but I didn’t make the lashes longer than these.
So everyone that I talked to about where to get cc eyelashes said yours were really good, and they look beautiful but everytime i click the download button it does nothing. i tried a few times then checked to make sure it wasnt in my downloads but nothing showed up ):
Did you try other browsers?
or cleaning your browser’s cache may help.
hey kijiko! is there any way i can download the version of these lashes from before the Jun/07/2016 gender update? i have an older version of the game so these updated lashes aren’t working for me (i cant update my game for various reasons) i love your cc btw have a lovely day ♥
Thank you,olive!
Older version is here:
Click the text like below near the bottom of this page (above the Japanese texts)
“Older Files (for previous version earlier than 06/02/2016 patch.)”
That version is needed PC Version / Mac Version
Unfortunately,the lashes may not work with older version than that.
Hi Kijiko! I’ve tried downloading your lashes but they aren’t showing up in my game.. I’ve tried Version 1, didn’t work. Version 2 STILL doesn’t show up.. I’ve looked in the glasses category in Accessories, don’t show.. PLEASE help! I love your lashes and would ADORE them in my game..
Help Me!!
Hi Celine,
I’ve posted the troubleshooting document here:
Click the text “PLEASE READ BEFORE SENDING A COMMENT”,contents will open.
Also,I’ve posted the documents of common problems of CC:
I think these may help you 🙂
Hi, I dont’t know if u know this
If I am gona download your eyelashes I need to change game version and I don’t know how I do that
Do you mean that you need to update your game?
This information will be helpful to you…?
The lashes should work with the latest version.
The file is showing up in the start but when I go to create a sim they aren’t there and I go to Accessoaries where the glasses are but they aren’t there
Hi! This might sound a little stupid but I’m just curious (since it’s my first time playing Sims/downloading mods) and in the folder after I downloaded your lashes were 2 packages. So I put both in my mods folder?? Thanks!
So should I put both in my mods folder****