About Kijiko

I am Kijiko, a lover of cats and The Sims. I’m making custom content for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4.
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I am very grateful for wonderful tools&Mods!


  1. kotake says:


    Thank you for making such awesome creations. I’m using multiple of your items. I’m so happy with how some of my sims came out that I’m considering uploading screenshots online, but one of your hairstyles that I use, I have modified a bit to fit a sim (removed a part of the front fringe and scaled and lowered the hair slightly) and I was wondering if it was ok if I upload screenshots where I use it? I’m a noob at Blender and unable to make my own meshes.

    I wanted to show you the modified item but I dont want to link publicly here and couldn’t find your email. I would credit you of course and link to your blog, and would not share the files themselves. Just screenshots. Please? :> I have read your terms of use but from what I understand, my question doesn’t quite fit into the points discussed there.

  2. kotake says:


    Thank you for making such awesome sims creations. I’m using multiple of your items. I’m so happy with how some of my sims came out that I’m wanting to upload screenshots online, but one of your hairstyles that I use, I have modified a bit to fit a sim (removed a part of the front fringe and scaled and lowered the hair slightly) and I was wondering if it’s ok if I upload screenshots that display it? I’m a noob at Blender and unable to make my own meshes.

    I wanted to show you the modified item but I dont know where to upload privately and couldn’t find your email.

    I would credit you of course and link to your blog when posting the screenshots, and would not share the files themselves, just screenshots. Please? :> I have read your terms of use but from what I understand, my question doesn’t quite fit into the points discussed there.

    Thank you!

    (I posted earlier but it didn’t show up so posting again just in case something went wrong. Sorry if it’s double post due to delay.)

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Thank you for contacting me 😀
      If you use it for your personal use (not sharing),that’s no problem!
      In that case,it’s Ok to modify and use it to your screenshots 🙂
      For now,I haven’t used contact form or something on my blog,but the ‘Messaging’ on Tumblr might be useful for private messaging.(if you have a Tumblr account,though…)
      One another thing,I’m sorry for the late approval. I’m using manual approval system to all comments,so there’s a case where it takes time to approve comments.

      Thank you 🙂

  3. jade says:


    Your sims creations are beautiful, thank you for making them! 🙂
    I love your Free! models for TS3 and I was wondering if you will convert the Shark and Orca hairstyles for TS4? I love the Loves To Swim hair you made for Haruka 😀

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Thank you so much! and sorry for the late reply.
      Actually,now I’m planning on converting and remaking Orca hair to TS4…but I haven’t had making good progress with that because there were a lot of things going on.
      anyway,I’m really happy that you like my Haruka’s hair 😀 Thank you!!

  4. Alain CLEMENT says:

    Following the last update of the sims4 and the release of the game pack “Stranger Ville”, the mod 3 D lashes no longer works properly. Can you update it please.
    thank you in advance

  5. Victoria says:

    Olá, poderia atualizar os 3D Lashes? Estão com problemas desde a ultima atualização do The Sims 4

  6. Victoria says:

    Following the last update of the sims4 and the release of the game pack “Stranger Ville”, the mod 3 D lashes no longer works properly. Can you update it please.
    thank you in advance

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      I’ve checked my lashes (updated on Nov/23/2018) is working with the latest patch ( the same as before.
      Would you tell me the date modified of the lashes file you have?

  7. N1 says:

    Hello, Kijiko!

    I love your works! They’re so cool 😀

    I have an issue, though! I installed the Toyger Kitten hair for my male Sim. I used the TS3 -> TS4 conversion. However, the custom hair colors don’t work. It doesn’t work for another hairstyle I use either. They’re just flat colors, and do not show the highlights. How do I fix this? I really love the highlights in the hair, but the game won’t show them to me.


    Here is how it looks. What do I do?

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Hello! Thnak you so much!
      About your issue,have you updated the Sims 4 to the latest?
      As far as I know,the game patch updated on 11/13/2018(PC / Mac had the bug like yours. I mean,custom hair colors didn’t work properly for a while.
      That bug has been fixed with patch version PC / Mac or newer.
      I wonder if it is the cause of your issue…?

  8. lucie Marns says:

    hey. I just downloaded your 3D lashes and I was just wondering where to find them.

  9. みやこ says:


    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:


  10. Hannah says:

    Hello! I am having a problem with the eyelashes. They pop out of alpha hair which is really weird since I’ve seen other people use these eyelashes and they have no problem with it popping out of hairs….

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      I’ve fixed the issue that the lashes clipping through a alpha hair on Sep/10/2015.
      If the lashes you’ve got are older than that,try to update the lashes.
      but you need the latest patch of the Sims4 if you use the current lashes.
      If there’s another cause,the hair’s sort layer may be wrong…but It’s unlikely because that attribute is hardly made a change when we create a hair normally.

      • Hannah says:

        The lashes I am using are the version 2 ones. My game is updated, so I really am not sure what’s causing it to pop out like that… 🙁 I also doubt that the problem isn’t with the hair because others use the same cc hair with kijiko lashes and have no problem… I don’t know what to do. Here are pics of the problem and of the things I’ve downloaded..maybe I’ve downloaded it wrong? I don’t know..


        • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

          If you still have trouble even if you download the lashes again and reinstall them,I’m so sorry but I’m not sure what the cause is.
          The shader (Simglass shader) which is used for alpha hairs and the lashes is originally for glasses’ lens. Because of that,it is not designed to display hairs,lashes or other CAS parts,so depending on PC,video card or something,there is a possibility that it is not working as you expect when you use the lashes and alpha hair together.
          I’m sorry I couldn’t be of any help.

  11. mia says:

    置き換えタイプのCCが好きなので「Skin Tones Glow Edition and Skin Texture Overhaul」をお借りしようと思ったのですが、記事内容が表示されません。

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:


      • mia says:

        ご丁寧にありがとうございます。早速DLしてきました。欲しかったスキンなのですっごく嬉しいです! どうもありがとうございました。

  12. 零華 says:




    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:


      C:\Users\[ユーザー名]\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4 の中



      • なな says:

        初めまして 私も質問者と同じくKijiko様のCCを使わせて頂いている者です。まずこのような素晴らしいCCを作成していただきありがとうございます。シムの容姿が自分好みにカスタマイズ出来てとても感謝しております。

  13. Pinku says:

    Love your hairs! What is your policy on porting your hairs to FFXIV? Is this allowed as long as public and credit goes to you? Thanks!

  14. Marshmallow Mermaid says:

    Hello! Sorry, I made a huge typo on a previous comment. I am a very big fan of your work. It’s beautiful. I am also a modder for FFXIV (not FFX) and would love the opportunity to port some of your hair over to that game. Everything would be public, free of charge, and credit back to you. It would mean a lot if you’ll consider this approval. Thank you! 🙂

    • Avatar photo Kijiko says:

      Thank you so much! I’m glad you like my work 🙂
      Here’s my policy
      Converting my stuff to other games is no problem if you share it completely free of charge.(that means you don’t ask for donation using it or don’t use advertise affiliate links like Adf.ly.)
      I hope you understand. Thank you 🙂