Installation Guide for The 3D Lashes

Last updated: Jun/23/2019
**EA does not support Mods and Custom Contents. Please use it at your own risk

General Installation Guide is Here
If you are not sure how to install custom contents,please check this out.

Installing The 3D Lashes
  1. Download the lashes.
    You’ll get the lashes as .zip file. Please wait until the .zip file is downloaded completely.
  2. Unzip (extract) the file.
    Windows :
    In this example,I used 7zip for extracting. (Download link /

    Double clicking the .zip file,the window will open like this.
    (Image will be full size when you click it.)

    Double click the folder. Then you’ll see the window like this.

    Steps to extract the files.

    Extracted correctly,you’ll get files in the folder you selected.

    Mac : Just double click. The file will be extracted.

  3. Make sure that your game has been updated to the latest.
    The lashes may not work if you haven’t updated your game.
  4. Put the files into your Mods folder.
    Usually,you can see the Mods folder here :
    Windows : C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods
    Mac : My Documents \ Electronic Arts \ The Sims 4 \ Mods

    Click and Check it out!
    You can know the files needed to install per version of the 3D lashes.
    3D Lashes Version2
    file name : [Kijiko]

    After extracting. Files required.

    3D Lashes Version2 Additional Styles
    file name : [Kijiko]

    After extracting. Files required.

    3D Lashes Version2 Party Colors
    file name : [Kijiko]

    After extracting. Files required.

    3D Lashes Version2 for Kids
    file name : [Kijiko]

    After extracting. Files required.

    3D Lashes Version2 for Kids (Toddler)
    file name : [Kijiko]

    After extracting. Files required.

    Colored Eyelashes
    file name : [Kijiko]

    After extracting. Files required.

    3D Lashes Version2 for Skin Detail (Adults)
    file name : [Kijiko]eyelash_version2_SkinDetail[experimental].zip

    After extracting. Files required.

    3D Lashes Version2 for Skin Detail (Children)
    file name : [Kijiko]eyelash_version2_SkinDetail_Kids[experimental].zip

    After extracting. Files required.

    3D Lashes Version2 for Skin Detail (Toddlers)
    file name : [Kijiko]eyelash_version2_Toddler_SkinDetail[experimental].zip

    After extracting. Files required.

    3D Lashes Version2 for Skin Detail Additional Styles
    file name : [Kijiko]

    After extracting. Files required.

    3D Lashes Uncurled Eyelashes Edition
    file name : [Kijiko]

    After extracting. Files required.

    3D Lashes Uncurled Eyelashes Edition for Skin Detail
    file name : [Kijiko]

    After extracting. Files required.

    If you want to put them into subfolders,please check the file named “Resource.cfg” is written like this (you can open it text editors) :

    Priority 500
    PackedFile *.package
    PackedFile */*.package
    PackedFile */*/*.package
    PackedFile */*/*/*.package
    PackedFile */*/*/*/*.package

    It is in your mod folder,TS4 make this file automatically when you boot the game first.
    Be careful not to make subfolder too much nested.
    TS4 doesn’t recognize nested subfolders more than described in Resource.cfg.

  5. Boot the Sims 4.
    Make sure “Enable Custom content and Mods” has been turned on.
  6. Make sure “Laptop Mode” has been turned off.
    The lashes use “SimGlaseeShader”. This shader won’t display objects with texture alpha correctly when you use Laptop mod. Please turn off Laptop mode.
  7. The Lashes will show up like this :

    3D Lashes Version2

    3D Lashes Version2 for Skin Detail (Experimental)

Hope you enjoy the Lashes!

Something Wrong with the Lashes…?

  • The lashes won’t show up
    Please read the ‘Installing The 3D Lashes’ once again.
    lacking something…? Especially,check the steps 3 to 5.
  • There’s something glitch with the lashes…!?
    If the lashes look like this,please check the following.

    Turn off “Laptop Mode”.
    Check for other CC conflicts.
    To do it,move other CC (except the lashes) to your desktop or something. Then restart the Sims 4. If the glitch doesn’t happen,any of CC have conflicted with the lashes.
  • If there’s something glitch (like below) when you use “3D Lashes Version2 for Skin Detail”

    Skin detail lashes can’t be used together with rings and any accessories made as rings because that lashes are mapped in rings texture area.
    Please use it without rings or custom ring accessories.
  • If the cause of your problem is neither
    Umm…there may be problem with video card or something.

    Sorry,but I’m not sure and can’t help about PC dependent issues or compatibility with other creators CC.
    I kindly ask for your understanding.

Other Notes

I checked that the lashes updated in Nov/23/2018 is working correctly with game version
If any issues occurred,please check that versions of the lashes and your game.
Also,I strongly recommend to boot The Sims4 without other CCs when you check the lashes.


  1. Justin says:

    i need help.When trying to use the eyelashes,they’re on the eyelids instead of the original position they’re supose to be in.

    • Emmy says:

      I have the same exact problem, the lashes only work with one eye shape, the rest makes them crimped, even when I move the lid around.

  2. Beatrice Szabo says:

    Hey could you please update your lashes to the newest version of sims 4?

  3. Jessica says:

    Hi will the lashes still work if I have a laptop, even if i turn laptop mode off.Also they need updating. I’ve downloaded the Zip file and tried opening it but it won’t work. Please help, thankyou.

  4. Berenice says:

    My edge smoother is high, but the edges of the eyelashes still look weird. In your pictures it doesn’t look like that. Can you please help me.

  5. Berenice says:

    And also, all the files we have extracted do all of those go into the mod folder.

  6. Berenice says:

    Why do the edges of the eyelashes look a little weird after I put my edge smoother on all the way, high? Please help.

  7. Jenpants says:

    Can’t be used with rings? Sigh… well, guess that’s a pass for me…

  8. HELP ME says:

    Please help I tried every step and the eyelashes dont come up in glasses or anything folder if someone knows any other downloads that will work can you help me

  9. Hailey Corbett says:

    My eyelashes don’t look like that, but they look crimped. Any clue what the problem could be? Even retextures of these eyelashes look this way.

  10. Bolasingh-Cruse, Sania K says:

    My lashes looked crimped and glitched and I tried every step, please help

  11. Alain CLEMENT says:

    Can you try to update. Does not work with summer-winter clothing and with some glasses since the last patch.
    Thanks to you

  12. horchata says:

    Hi, i’m so grateful that you made this kind of cc. But i have some problem that my sim’s head is dissapear after i put the ‘no lashes’ file in my mod folder. Can you help me?

  13. Phoenix says:

    .. Hi, hello good morning/afternoon/night I’ve always liked the eyelash set but the first version I installed, the one that curves up. I kinda wondered why the eyelashes never change the fitting of the eye itself, the eyelashes were always in the eyelids.. did I do something wrong?

  14. Sadie says:

    I am having an issue where with all of your lashes they look very dented and the bottom lashes look very glitched out and harsh, not they way they should look, soft and luxurious. This has been happening for a while now and I never thought much of it until I started watching videos of everyone using your lashes and nobody’s seem to look like this. Any advice?

    • anon says:

      Yeah I’ve been having that problem too.

    • Ella says:

      I’m having the same problem, It’s usually because you have ring cc’s and or nails, other than that I don’t know what could be causing it,you can either take out the cc or download different lashes.